Posted on: 13 December 2021

“Safety is paramount in mental health care, alongside respect and dignity for the patient. We have single ensuite rooms for privacy and Oxevision allows us to take vital signs without disturbing a patient at night or, if they need to be closely observed, to do less obtrusively. We worked with patients and carers to implement this carefully, including the evaluation of the system.”

We published a report in October


  • What information do you provide to patients about Oxevision and how it works? Please provide a copy of any leaflets provided to patients and any other material displayed on the ward/s.

We provide the following information to patients on Oxevision

a.       Patient information posters displayed on wards

b.       Patient informational materials included within patient welcome packets provided upon admission

c.       Discussions about Oxevision with patients, and carers as appropriate, during the admission process. Conversations between staff and patients about Oxevision are encouraged throughout their admission as well.

d.       Oxevision is discussed within regular patient community meetings on wards.

  • When is this information provided to patients? Are patients given advance notice that the system is in use before they are admitted? If not, when is this information provided?

Information about Oxevision is provided as part of the admission process and conversations between staff and patients about the technology is encouraged throughout their admission as well. If the patient lacks capacity to understand the technology their carer is contacted and/or the technology is revisited multiple times throughout their admission.

  • Do patients have the option to stay in a room in which Oxevision is not installed?

If a patient is unhappy with Oxevision, we follow their wishes and turn off the technology in the bedroom unless it is clinically unsafe to do so, where it will be escalated for a multi-disciplinary discussion.

  • Does the trust's privacy policy explicitly mention Oxevision and what data is retained, and for how long?

The Trust has an Oxehealth Standard Operating Procedure which mentions what data is maintained and for how long.

Oxehealth is not explicitly stated on the CNWL’s Privacy Notice as the Trust’s Notice doesn’t list every supplier or data processor contracted by the Trust. The Trust has a layered Privacy Notice approach to ensure it remains clear, concise and easy to read. Patients/public are able to drill down to obtain any additional information required or make a request as necessary.

Oxehealth and its associated processing activity is recorded on the Trust IG registers, it is also comprehensively covered by robust governance and the IG due diligence requirements.