Coke, Charlie, Snow, Blow, Toot, Nose Candy
A white (sometimes lumpy) powder
Cocaine is usually taken by snorting it with a rolled up banknote or straw
Some people inject it or 'booty bump' (take by rectal administration)
- Positive effects can include euphoria, mental alertness, increased self-confidence and energy, different ways of thinking, and feelings of being physically strong or invincible.
- Short-term body changes might be increased heart rate, blood pressure and temperature, as well as dilated pupils, dry mouth and decreased appetite, and sometimes erectile dysfunction.
- Negative effects found are irritability, aggressiveness, paranoia, disorientation, anxiety, recklessness, mood swings and hallucinations.
- Withdrawal and come-down symptoms reported can include intense cravings, hunger, irritability, tiredness, anxiety, depression, paranoia, suicidal thoughts, loss of sex drive, insomnia or excessive sleep, dizziness, and shaking.
- Long-term body changes can include heart attacks, chest pain, breathing problems, ulcers, nose-bleeds, perforated septum, throat and stomach problems, dental problems, strokes and seizures.
- It has been linked to premature birth, stillbirths and spontaneous abortions in women.