What is available in the CAMHS specialist training programme London is unique and highly valued by trainees.
We offer a three year rolling programme on a Wednesday afternoon once a month in integrated leadership\management\communication skills . This covers a wide range of topics linked to the Spiral Leadership Toolkit (HEE) and is knowledge\skills based. Higher trainees from all psychiatric sub-specialities attend with joint working and collaboration encouraged.
Trainees are also encouraged to undertake a project within their three years of training that can be orientated toward developing leadership skills. This is supported by the opportunity to join an Action Learning Set. The Learning Sets are based on adult learning theory (learning from action and reflection) and use a co-consulting model. Good learning about coaching\mentoring and about personal leadership skills is developed. The Learning Sets conclude a presentation of projects to the executive level management team of the Trust. Trainees have published work and have used their experience to co-run the monthly Wednesday afternoon workshops.
Opportunities are available in all Trusts to support development of Quality Improvement knowledge and skills, to work with the Clinical Governance teams (management of complaints, review of serious incidents etc), attend Root Cause Analysis training and to shadow senior member of the organisation.