Posted on: 14 May 2024

New Riverside Rangers football teams made up of service users from our mental health services in Hillingdon, have entered into next season’s North West London Mental Health League.

Funded by the CNWL NHS Health Charity, Riverside Rangers had their first friendly matches last Friday (10 May 2024).

Fully affiliated with Middlesex Football Association, there is a mixed team and a women’s team who train every Tuesday at Brunel University, with monthly matches and tournaments throughout the year.

Rachel Cummins, Physical Health Lead Nurse in Hillingdon said:

“We’re very proud of their fantastic performance, and in the spirit of Mental Health Awareness Week ‘Moving More for our Mental Health’ – what better way of getting fit than joining a football team.

“We have already seen the development of new friendships and an incredible improvement in our players’ confidence and fitness. We are looking to develop and grow the club and welcoming of new players.”

If you have any questions, you can get in touch with Rachel at:

To find out more about our charity visit CNWL NHS Health Charity :: Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

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