Posted on: 16 May 2024

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, this year’s theme is Movement: Moving More for our Mental Health.

Just 10 minutes of brisk walking can boost our mood and increase our mental alertness. Moving more can also help reduce stress and anxiety and help us to sleep better

Finding moments for movement throughout every day might be easier than you think – you don’t need to join the gym and it doesn’t need to cost anything.

You can try:

  • Using the stairs instead of the lift
  • Taking regular breaks to stand up, walk around and stretch
  • Setting small achievable goals – get off the bus or tube a stop early
  • Connecting with nature – take a stroll in your local park-start a walking group
  • Listening to music or a podcast can help get you motivated
  • At home, try online work outs to suit you 

Awareness days and weeks are a great way to reflect on what we can do to care for ourselves and others.  

If you are struggling at the moment and the thought of moving more sounds difficult, then Talking Therapies is there for support. To find out more about Talking Therapies and how they can help, click the link below. Taking the first step to reach out is difficult but getting in touch with them is easy, all you need to do is fill out the self-referral form, they’ll do the rest.

To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week and its theme, staff at CNWL did a Pilates class with retired Nurse, now volunteer, Di Hurley. The session was to inspire staff with new ways they can take to move for their mental health, and in return inspire those they care for.

The session was a great success, staff felt more energised, calmer and even wanted to make it a regular thing.


Di Hurley (right)

If you want tips on how to move more for your mental health, you can visit the Mental Health Foundation’s website using the link below: