Posted on: 10 May 2024

DEN+ is not only here to support staff with disabilities, but be champions and provide a voice. This Deaf Awareness Week we reaffirm our commitment to support and speak up for all staff and patients who have hearing loss, so they can be confident knowing CNWL is place they can share what communication support they need and in return feel heard.

To do this, it is up to all of us who don’t have hearing loss to take a little time to see what we can do to be better communicators.

Often when people with hearing loss miss something someone has said, they are told “oh it doesn’t matter” - but it does. Inclusion matters for all people with hearing loss. The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) have a campaign called, It Does Matter, it brings home the lack of understating people have when communicating with people who have hearing loss.

You can show ‘it does matter’ by:

  • Learning tips on how to communicate with deaf people and people with hearing loss
  • Watch videos of common British Sign Language phrases you can learn and use

Sign up to the It Does Matter Campaign (using the link below) and the RNID will send tips and details on how to access BSL (British Sign Language) lessons:*1gat35l*_gcl_au*NTgxOTczODMwLjE3MTM4MDI4MzM.

For our staff and patients who have hearing loss, the RNID have tips when sharing your communication needs with others:

To learn more about the research behind the It Does Matter campaign, click the link below:

Any staff who need a BSL interpreter, this can be funded via the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) Access To Work scheme. This can then be processed by the DEN+ Central Access To Work Fund. Search DEN+ on Trustnet for our contact details and see information on how to apply for Central Access To Work Fund. 

Patients using any of our services can ask a member of staff if they need support with communication at appointments, services can then facilitate support e.g. provide BSL interpreters. Please let someone in the service know prior to your appointment so support can be arranged. 

Thank you and take care,

Keri Stephenson and Jon Bruce - DEN+ Co Chairs